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At Performance Chiropractic we offer much more than just chiropractic care. Many times patients go to a chiropractor as a last resort. We want our patients to come to us as their first choice in healthcare. Whether you suffered an injury on the field or on the job, or just feel like you aren’t moving as well as you used to, we can help you get back to moving properly and feeling healthy.

Functional Nutrition

Functional nutrition is the holistic evaluation of a person’s health. It encompasses nutrition, lifestyle, health history, and diet to determine what needs to be supported through nutrition and supplementation. By supporting the body through nutrition, the body changes in a positive manner and conditions may be reduced or eliminated. By integrating this with chiropractic care, the physical func... Read More

Functional nutrition is the holistic evaluation of a person’s health. It encompasses nutrition, lifestyle, health history, and diet to determine what needs to be supported through nutrition and supplementation. By supporting the body through nutrition, the body changes in a positive manner and conditions may be reduced or eliminated. By integrating this with chiropractic care, the physical functionality of the musculoskeletal system and the cellular function can be addressed through nutrition, maximizing the body’s ability to heal.

Dr. Hannegan is driven. He knows firsthand what it is like to deal with the frustration of the traditional healthcare system. After years of playing competitive baseball, including Division I college, and suffering the injuries associated with that pursuit, Dr. Hannegan became very familiar with the typical symptom-based approaches to treatment that provide little insight into the cause of an injury or its prevention. His mother’s death at an early age from the complications of all the medications used to treat her battle with fibromyalgia became a turning point for Dr. Hannegan. He believed there must be a better way.

He committed himself to learning how to help patients understand what is causing their condition making healthcare about addressing the root cause, not just treating the symptoms. Chiropractic provided the path he was looking for. He studied biology at the University of Kentucky and went on to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor to help people live happy and healthy lives at Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, Missouri. There he received his bachelor’s degree in Life Science, Master’s degree in Sports Science and Rehabilitation, and Doctor of Chiropractic.

Dr. Hannegan established Performance Chiropractic in 2011. He is dedicated to working with patients and helping them achieve their optimum health performance so they can live the longest and healthiest, most enjoyable life possible. When injuries occur, he not only strives to get patients healthy again, but also has a strong desire to correct the root cause so the problem will not reoccur. He understands the desire of athletes to return to play and the value of recovering from injuries as quickly as possible. Dr. Hannegan believes there is a cause for everything and by finding and fixing the cause, he keeps the patient on the path to true health performance.

Pursuing his love of sports, Dr. Hannegan started working with the Cincinnati Cyclones professional hockey team in 2017 as their team chiropractor. In that environment, he is able to maximize the players’ sports performance and help them get back on the ice as fast as possible from any injuries. He can be found at nearly every home game working with the players before, during, and after the game.


-Kentucky Licensed

-Ohio Licensed

-Board Certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners

-Graston Technique®

-CCSP® – Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner®

-Dry Needling Certified

-ACN – Applied Clinical Nutrition

Education and Training:

-Doctor of Chiropractic

-Master’s of Science: Sports Science and Rehabilitation

-Bachelor’s of Science: Life Science

Professional Affiliations:

-Cincinnati Cyclones Team Chiropractor

-American Chiropractic Association (ACA)

-Kentucky Association of Chiropractors (KAC) – Board of Directors, District 5

Dr. Hannegan is driven. He knows firsthand what it is like to deal with the frustration of the tr... Read More

A native of the small mining town of Williamson, West Virginia, Dr. Spencer Wilson experienced first hand the ravaging effects the opioid epidemic has on peoples lives and the community. This unfortunate reality led him to search for an alternative way to fighting pain, improving peoples lives while still having the opportunity to be involved with athletes. This search led him to becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic where he has the ability to do both of these things. His goals as a chiropractor are to provide evidence guided care to improve health outcomes and provide high quality education about his patient’s health. Dr. Wilson joined Performance Chiropractic in 2022 where he could make these goals a reality and help the Greater Cincinnati athletes be their best.

Dr. Wilson attended Palmer College of Chiropractic in Port Orange, Florida where he found his way to be a strong diagnostician and chiropractic adjuster. During his time there he also realized he wanted to practice ethically and rejected common policies that some chiropractors resort to such as; x-raying every patient and long non-medically necessary treatment plans. Instead he chose to focus on high quality care that gets the patient healthy quickly and corrects the root of the problem. He also had the incredible opportunity while at Palmer to do a sports internship with the athletic department at Bethune Cookman University. During his time there he worked closely with the athletes helping them improve movement to increase performance while preventing injury as well as work to get injured athletes back to their sport. Prior to chiropractic school Dr. Wilson attended Marshall University graduating with an Exercise Sports Science degree. While studying at Marshall he met his wife Alexis. He is still a big Marshall fan and loves to cheer on his alma mater!

When he is not at the office you will find him cheering on his alma mater Marshall University or brewing some beer. He is an avid home brewer as you can tell from his two dogs names, Brutus, a silver lab, and Barley, a golden-doodle. You may even find him traveling in another state as he has traveled to 40 states so far.


-Kentucky Licensed

-Board Certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners

-Active Release Technique Spine Level 1

Education and Training

-Doctor of Chiropractic - Palmer College of Chiropractic 2021

-Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Sports Science - Marshall University 2018

Professional Affiliations

-Kentucky Association of Chiropractors

-American Chiropractic Association

A native of the small mining town of Williamson, West Virginia, Dr. Spencer Wilson experienced fi... Read More

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Performance Chiropractic
Located at: 419 Licking Pike Ste B, Wilder
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